Confident and Content with Self

Interesting thing to know about yourself, who are you, where are you currently and where are you heading to?

Are you a leader or a follower, are you an outstanding person or do you fit in with the crowds?

Do you voice out or do you die in silence and hope for someone to read your mind and fight your battles?

Are you a people’s pleaser and do all things in the name of peace, if so whose peace are you forsaking?

Who Are You?


Unconditional Self Love

It is difficult to love and accept yourself unconditionally because you keep looking down at yourself with all the mistakes that you did along the journey of life.They are life’s lessons which you had to go through in order for you to grow.Never allow self doubt and fear of being judged to determine who you are and your future.Never look for love and acceptance in others because you have the potential of loving yourself unconditionally.You are a unique individual with your own path to your destination, Remember that!!! and keep the focus while loving yourself unconditionally.


Uncovering the Hidden Wound

It is easy to heal the physical wound no matter what caused it because you can see it more than feeling it.

However what about the emotional wound?

How do you deal with it?

Do you suffer alone because nobody can see and understand your pain?

All wounds need to be treated in order to heal, attend to your emotional wound for it not to get rotten.

Help is around the corner….


Life ‘o Life

Is life full of secrets or are you the one whose harboring secrets in your life?

What gain or loss does it bring you by keeping a secret?

What are your fears in keeping that secret?

Let it out and free yourself from the chains that are binding you.

Secret revelations is a part of a journey towards healing. Nevermind what others will say, your soul will be free at the end.
