
There is so much truth in saying ” it is very easy to loose trust than to regain it” yet we still find others trying their luck and testing the waters by tempering with the trust they are given.

Question is how do you trust again?

Moreover how do you recover from the betrayal?

To the ones who betrayed you, do they even show remorse and change their ways in order for you to trust again?

Some say that’s when you forgive someone who has never apologised simply because you want to release yourself from the chains and the burden of the pain.

Once that is done it’s your choice to carry on with the relationship or not. The fact of the matter is that you have found healing regardless of their change in ways and asking for forgiveness. Trust is gone and never regained.

The Seed

When planting a seed it is always good to give it some direction in which the plants should grow and also give some balance for the plants to keep that direction.

A good leader is always hands on and lead by example.

Love is Truly a Doing Word

What is love with no action

What is love with no feelings of affection

What is love when not spending time together

What is love when hate rules the relationship

What is love when there’s no beauty in it

What is love when you keep avoiding each others spaces

What is love when you are driven by anger

What is love when you are not willing to fight for it and make it work

What is love when all you see is tears

What is love when all you feeling is cold

What is love when you’re always alone

Love is truly a doing word

Reaching your Goals

The feeling of achievement after walking a long journey which was filled with hiccups and heartache.

And now you are looking back with nothing other than thanks giving, joy and laughter.

Thanking God for the strength and perseverance he gave you. What a wonderful day it is….

“Oh happy day”

Life is about the Choices you make

You enter into spaces without knowing what to find in there. You are mostly guided by feelings, but what happens when those feelings die?

Do you fight for them to be restored, do you move on to the next chapter in life?
Do you live in fear of what others will say or do you choose what makes you happy?

What is happiness in anyway, where do you find happiness?

Does it depend on others or is it within yourself?

How do you live happily while surrounded by pain? Who do you turn to in your pain?

The choice is yours